Business of Freelance Writing - Writer Issues Solved

How to Make Money by Writing for a Living: It doesn’t have to be an either or thing.

I’ve become enamored with Martha Beck’s book, “The Joy Diet: 10 Daily Practices for a Happier Life.” Knee deep in chapter 4 (Creativity), I’ve been filled with mind blowing concepts that has thrilled me to no end. One of the titillating tidbits made me question my own freelance writing business skills and I thought I’d share the wealth with you.

I’m sure you already know that your thoughts control your actions. Saying to yourself hundred times of day, “I’m not good enough to make it as a freelancer,” for example, will inevitably help your thoughts become reality. But I know, I know. It’s hard to control the monkey mind.

But maybe it’s not about stopping or controlling your thoughts. Beck brought up the concept of dichotomous relationships that could be what’s blocking your creativity and unintentionally preventing you from being as successful as you want to be in freelancing.

Let me put it this way.

Have you ever thought, “I can either be happy or wealthy.” I admit I have. I grew up in a household where I was taught (spoken and unspoken) that to be wealthy you had to do something you hated. I subscribed to the belief and lived unhappily that way, first by working at a corporate job that did not fit, then quitting that and working as a freelancer with an unconscious ingrained belief that I could never financially support myself doing so.

In the end, I was right in both situations.

But who wants to be right about that?

If you’re like me, you may want to dig in deep to discover what may be holding you back. It’s not the competition, low pay, difficult clients or the economy. Maybe you need to shift the responsibility and look within. Of course, experience, hard work and talent helps a great deal, but if you’re not where you want to be, then it might be worth analyzing what you truly believe in and how it may be affecting your business and your writing.

So go ahead, try it.

I can either have ________ or __________.

Then change it to:

I can/will/intend to have both  _________  and  __________!

If you’re really feeling frisky, share it in the comments below.

I’ll go first.

I intend to have both money and happiness.

I can write full-time and be financially successful.

Now it’s your turn.


2 Comments on “How to Make Money by Writing for a Living: It doesn’t have to be an either or thing.

  1. I have a project about writers and i realy injoy reading here ..
    you have a great way in examining the points and i realy ignored the project while am reading

    it’s good for me to learn the basics of writing especially that i’m an arabic poet.

    it needs a time for me to become famous but it’s not important for as being a successful and proffissional writer..

    thanks a lot and Good luck =]

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