• For Entrepreneurs

    Guest Posting for Elance

    Happy Veterans Day and 11/11/11! I’ve been a busy bee. My latest article for Elance is on preventing small business burnout-a must-read for writers too. I’ve listed 4 tips to get you inspired, motivated and keep your ideas fresh. Not too mention keeping you cool too. Here it is… Have a great weekend!

  • Business of Freelance Writing - Writer Issues Solved

    How to Make Money by Writing for a Living: It doesn’t have to be an either or thing.

    I’ve become enamored with Martha Beck’s book, “The Joy Diet: 10 Daily Practices for a Happier Life.” Knee deep in chapter 4 (Creativity), I’ve been filled with mind blowing concepts that has thrilled me to no end. One of the titillating tidbits made me question my own freelance writing business skills and I thought I’d share the wealth with you. I’m sure you already know that your thoughts control your actions. Saying to yourself hundred times of day, “I’m not good enough to make it as a freelancer,” for example, will inevitably help your thoughts become reality. But I know,…