Dreams - Writer Tips

The Importance of Fun in Freelancing

A study by the University of Melbourne in April 2009 showed that workers who used the Internet for fun actually were more productive (about 9% more) than those who didn’t.


I wasn’t. Here’s why:

I recently did an experiment for The Joy Diet (week 6 treat week) where I had to indulge in two treats a day. While I admit that a few times during the week “treats” meant something sweet, a sugar coma eventually forced me to find alternative ways to fulfill the condition. Eventually I realized that all work and no play wasn’t a good thing. In fact, it got me further away from my goals.

I think the difficulty with us work at home, freelancing folks is that we can really never do enough.

There’s always invoices to create, work that needs to be done and marketing calls to make. This makes it all the more important to refocus and do the very opposite we think needs to be done. Spend time doing nothing, do something fun.

On the Oprah show last week, guests like Buddy Valestro a.k.a. The Cake Boss and J. Crew executive creative director Jenna Lyons talked about their glamorous dream jobs. While their amazingly decadent careers made me drool, it was their passion that really excited me. And then a light bulb went off. It’s not that they worked super hard, but that they were playing hard that really got to me. Doing something fun and being good at it could mean a dream career. We just have to play to discover it.

It could also be a great diversion that can make you more productive.

Being writers, at least for me, means that I need to step away from my computer every once in awhile. I don’t have to do something grand, but sometimes just hanging up the laundry can give me enough of a break for me to come up with my next article idea.

The takeaway?

It’s important to work hard to be a successful freelancer, but don’t forget the importance of playing hard as well. Give your brain a break and you’ll open the door to possibility. Fill it with busyness (tasks, intense workouts without breaks in between) and there’ll be nothing left to give back.

Try it and see.
