Writer Tips

4 Ways to Infuse Inspiration in Your Writing

You may have a blog, sell jewelry or work for a nonprofit. In all cases, writing something that inspire others is important.

Inspirational writing is actually quite versatile. Even seemingly non-inspiring pieces inspire others in surprising ways.

Think about what makes you bookmark a site or click through the pages of a particular blog every day. For me, it’s a person’s ability to express their passion whether it’s home decor or psychology. There’s something he or she is able to do and convey and it makes you want to be better. Then, you know you’ve found something inspiring.

If you’re scratching your head, confused about how to inspire others, don’t worry. I’ve compiled a list of five things you can do right now to infuse inspiration in your writing.

Here they are:

1. Be authentic. In the short-term, catchy titles and cool pictures can attract lots of attention. But usually what has staying power is the potential of the brand/website to have something worthy and genuine about it. Think for a minute. Think about all the products you buy and the websites you visit religiously. What is it that makes you loyal? For me, businesses and entrepreneurs that seem real, genuine, and authentic are key to making me invest both my time and money.

2. Be human. One thing that’s a big turn-off for me is getting slammed by sales-y emails from companies. Yes, I know they want my money, but I’m less likely to give it to them, when I feel more like a number and less than a human being. If you have a great product and are sincerely passionate about what you do, let that shine through. And remember your audience and your customers. They are human too.

3. Be personal. When I worked as an executive for a nonprofit organization, one of the things we were taught is how to give speeches. Since we were basically asking people for money on a daily basis, we needed to learn how to inspire others to give. Part of doing so was being personal. If you have a story about your business or about your experience that can touch another person, share it with them. Put it in your about page or write a blog about it. People want to feel like you’re real and approachable. That doesn’t mean you have to tell everyone your deepest, darkest, most intimate secrets (in fact, you shouldn’t), but if you have a story to share about what it took for you to create your business or to get to where you are as an entrepreneur, go for it! You’ll have inspired someone out there.

4. Be inspiring. This is an obvious one and something that relates to items 1-3. Use all three and infuse it into your writing. How? You might think it’s crazy to think of inspiring others when you write a product description or a landing page about your art pieces, but I can’t tell you how many times I bought something because the text that I read inspired me to buy it. Words have that much power. So before you write that article or content describing your business, remember to think creatively about how your product could potentially inspire others in a call to action. Maybe it will solve a problem their having or make their lives more meaningful. Do it and you’ll have infused inspiration in your writing.

Good luck!


2 Comments on “4 Ways to Infuse Inspiration in Your Writing

  1. I totally agree Brandy. You know those newsletters you sign up for to get the free whatever and then you get inundated with a bunch of sales updates? I always unsubscribe from those. Then there are the ones you look forward to because you actually learn something and they look like they are written by a real person!
    Danielle McGaw recently posted..Pimp Out Your LinkedIn Profile

  2. Hi Danielle! I was doing the same thing. That’s why I have SO many emails every day. After awhile I realized they weren’t really worth my time and energy. And as freelancers, time and energy are hugely valuable to use. Thanks for stopping by!

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