• Business of Freelance Writing - Dreams - Get More Writing Jobs - Writer Tips

    Your Money Maker: The Money Pile You’re Sitting On

    I found about a couple of hundred dollars on my laptop. What I discovered while scrolling through my past documents were raw and unpublished essays, poems, and articles. Some were there because I submitted them once and after a single rejection, completely abandoned it. Others were unfinished. I realized after further inspection that what I had was a treasure trove of potential. Some pieces only required a little TLC in order to become publishable. How about you? Have you taken a look at your old documents lately? Could they been dusted off, reworked, re-envisioned and resubmitted? After spending time looking for different markets,…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - Freelance Writing - Writer Tips

    3 Lucky Breaks That Led Me to a Freelance Writing Career

    A lot of people want to know how to become a freelance writer. “How do you get paid for writing?” is what they often ask. When I think about what got me here, three lucky things needed to happen in order for this to occur. I met the “right” people. When I first decided to switch gears from therapist to writer and as a new freelance writer in Hawaii, I got lucky only because I met the right people. For example, I connected with a newspaper writer from San Jose Mercury who connected me with another writer. This writer ended up being…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - Freelance Writing Jobs

    The Secret Sauce to Freelance Writing Success

    I’m pretty sure you’re going to be disappointed when you read this. Why? Because the title made you think you’re getting the answer to quick, fast, and easy success. I’m going to be honest with you. Although books and blogs like to sell you sexy solutions, the truth is it’s all a marketing ploy to nab your cash. I know because I fell for it too. Truthfully, just like there’s no secret to holiday weight loss, there’s no secret to doing well in freelance writing. Here’s the bottom line: You want to do well? You need to leave an imprint…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - Writer Tips

    Be the Writer Every Editor Wants to Work With

    Talent can take you far in life. But hard work will push you further than talent alone. What I’ve learned in the last 6 years I’ve been freelance writing is there are other skills besides writing that can benefit the successful freelance writer. And that’s a good thing! This means that I don’t need to be as creative as Young House Lovers John and Sherry, funny as Martha Beck or as pushy as some go-getter writers to be successful. Talk about a load off of my back. If I had to be naturally talented like the authors I drool over,…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - Freelance Writers - Freelance Writing

    Get Off Your Writing Couch and Do Something!

    Thank you Stephanie and Jan for reminding me about 2 things: 1) To keep up this blog! 2) To be more compassionate.  Their comment comes on the heels of a short answer I compiled for O magazine. If you want to read my little published shpeal on compassion, it’s right here. But the main reason I’m writing this is that I think too many of us get comfy in our writing couches and stop taking chances. Maybe we had HUGE dreams about what it would mean to be a freelance writer and since we didn’t achieve them, we kind of…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - Freelance Writers - Writing

    The Truth About Being a Writer

    There are a lot of people who want to be writers. Some of them are friends and acquaintances I’ve met along my path. They envy me in a shameless way. My life seems as close to Carrie Bradshaw as possible without the single life and the large shoe closet. Many, I believe, think that I spend all day shopping and galavanting. Yes it is partially that I suppose. But the truth is, I spend more days sitting on my butt, pulling out my hair, trying to find the best words to squeeze into my prose. It’s not fun nor glamorous.…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - Freelance Writing - Writing

    I Really Want to Be a Writer But…

    There’s always a reason to give up. Let me count the ways. Your mounting bills, the bad economy, the competition, your lack of time, fear of rejection, there’s already enough books out there, your stuff’s no good, no one will read it, you hate feeling vulnerable, etc. And it doesn’t get easier. They ebb and flow, rising as your confidence rises. They strengthen as your courage deepens. In fact, the more you grow, the greater the challenges become. Over time you either grow accustomed to them or you begin to listen. If you choose the latter, you may lose your…

  • Business of Freelance Writing - Writer Resources - Writer Tips

    How Bad Do You Want to Be a Writer?

      That’s the questions I have been asking myself these last 6 weeks since I officially and finally moved back to Hawaii. Why? I know that’s the question most of the world would be asking. Why would a writer have a difficult time writing amongst turquoise hued skies, pearly white sand and a “you could get lost in it” ocean. Lots of room for inspiration right? Yes. It’s true. I’ve been writing more for my fiction piece than I did when I lived in California. But on the other hand, finding new writing gigs have turned out to be pretty…

  • Business of Freelance Writing

    The Freelancing Lessons You Don’t Want to Learn the Hard Way

    If life is one big class, then I got a lot of my lessons solely from being a freelance writer. As I reflect on these last 5-years, I’d have to say while it hasn’t been an easy road, it was a necessary one. Hopefully, you won’t have to stumble in the dark as I have. Read up on what things I wish I didn’t have to learn the hard way. Get clear about whether you’re getting paid or not. Money is an uncomfortable issue. And when you’re first starting out, you just feel grateful for getting any writing job. But…

  • Business of Freelance Writing

    Being a Shark Can Help Your Writing Business

    Don’t judge me, but I’m a big fan of reality TV. Just like I love a good memoir and an autobiography, I get a high from watching real life people do crazy ass things. To me, it’s just inspires me to do something crazy myself. One of my favorite shows is, “Shark Tank.” It seems antithetical to my very nature to be a shark when it comes to making money. But maybe that’s why watching it thrills me so. It’s also observing the inventors, creators and designers who work up the courage to give their 5-minute shpeal on what makes…