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I Really Want to Be a Writer But…

{iPhone photo by Brandi-Ann Uyemura.}

There’s always a reason to give up.

Let me count the ways. Your mounting bills, the bad economy, the competition, your lack of time, fear of rejection, there’s already enough books out there, your stuff’s no good, no one will read it, you hate feeling vulnerable, etc.

And it doesn’t get easier. They ebb and flow, rising as your confidence rises. They strengthen as your courage deepens. In fact, the more you grow, the greater the challenges become.

Over time you either grow accustomed to them or you begin to listen. If you choose the latter, you may lose your inner voice. You may think that no one is rooting for you, that you are alone on the journey, that there are people who expect you to fail. This type of thinking not only hurts your chances of writing success, it hurts your spirit.

There have been many times on this path that I’ve doubted my course. And I still do. I know I probably will always feel uncertain about my choices just as I have days where I’m completely sure. But one thing I’ve learned to do is separate myself from the negative voice. I’ve also learned to reach out right when I feel like closing in. I’ve learned that there are people who I have never met who are cheering for me (like these people here.) And I learned that No ONE knows the purpose of my life, only I do.

A lot of people tell me that they want or wish they could be a writer. I understand the longing. It’s been my secret desire since I was a kid. It only took me a few decades to gain the confidence to pursue what I thought I didn’t have the skills to do.

But here’s what I’ve learned.

If you really, really want to be a writer, then do it. Don’t wait until you’ve got enough experience, you have more time, you feel less insecure, the perfect writing job comes along. Do it now!

This lady taught me a few years ago something that I only got now. She told me that if I wanted to be a writer to do it. She said, “I believe you can.” I took her words as generous and kind as gifts from a sweet person. I only realized now that anyone can do it. The key is you’ve got to have the passion and the belief that you can.

It doesn’t matter how much experience you got or how much talent you have. We all need to start somewhere. If you read my writing when I first started, you’d realize how far we all have go to get good at something. It’s the process by which all people rise to the top.

So stop whatever moaning and groaning and procrastinating that you’re doing and do what you say you’ll do. Don’t wait until tomorrow because tomorrow offers another excuse to put it off.

You say you want to be a writer? Well go ahead and write right now!


2 Comments on “I Really Want to Be a Writer But…

  1. Hi Cathy! One of my English professors wrote a book and when I complimented him about having “made it,” he said, “I’m still working on my writing just like you.” Guess it’s a never ending process. But that’s a good thing. Thanks for your comment!

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