Tweet I haven’t been blogging here lately because I’ve been in a whirlwind of writing. I realized while lying in bed that there is madness to my process. I can drum up ideas quite quickly and when I do, there are a few steps that fuel my inspiration through the hard, stuck, I-can’t-write-another-thing parts. I steal moments to write. Before I had kids, I had all kinds of time to write. But I spent it mostly pretending to write while I lavishly devoured the hours because there were so many of them. These days, I’m usually giving a kid a…
Tweet The deeper you get into your work, the harder it is to separate your self from what you’re working on. You’ll notice that the more passionate, the more involved you are, the more the deep dark stuff of your unconscious seeps out. It’s easier to live life on the surface. That way when rejection happens, it doesn’t hurt as much. You failed, but you didn’t care anyway. But what happens when what you’re failing at means the world to you? It hits at your core, purpose, and sense of self-worth. If you’re writing about a company, it stings a…
Tweet I can’t claim the title, “author,” yet, but there are books out there that feature my writing. I’ve assisted Dr. Bradley Willcox of The Okinawa Diet Plan, my Psych Central was mentioned in Living with Eating Disorders, one of my Tweets was in Tiny Buddha and now in Untangle Your Mind: A Pathway to Love, author Marty Avary draws an inspiring picture to go with my quote on forgiveness. I’m really excited and grateful that authors have found my words online. I hope you get a chance to pick up the book. All the quotes in there are inspiring.
Tweet I had an amazing week at Miraval spa for my birthday. I got everything I wanted and more. One of the surprising gifts I left with, however, was a unplanned, unintentional lesson in marketing. During one of the lovely event dinners, I was introduced to two memorable people. One was the host, and the other was a fellow guest. While the topic was communication in digital world, I was most intrigued by their marketing styles. Both were clearly successful and accomplished. Both shared relevant information that was helpful for everyone at the table. But I left with a desire…
Tweet If you’re suffering through a field of rejections, keep reading… It took awhile, but eventually I found a pace, my zone, an ability to actually push through my anxiety and create articles I was proud of. But more importantly, got paid for. That was a great feeling, but I didn’t sit in my laurels for long before I had a desire to venture outside my comfort zone and towards the writing I dreamed of creating. Writing for children. Writing personal essays. But in the slog of writing green, I’m gaining a ton of rejections, which can be demoralizing to say the…
Tweet It’s pretty cool when your article gets Instagrammed. #Monday morning emails be like… | Story: “An Unconventional Guide to Wellness” by Brandi-Ann Uyemura” | Illustration by @cbphilpot | #HIBiz A post shared by Hawaii Business Magazine (@hawaiibusinessmagazine) on May 8, 2017 at 11:55am PDT
Tweet Initially, I struggled with this powerhouse of a word. I was apt, for example, to bark at a customer service representative or get teed off if someone cut me off in traffic. But age and children can soften one’s heart. I developed compassion. This has helped me be a better daughter, friend, mother, partner and a writer. How does compassion affect your writing? This has been key in my ability to raise my writing to the next level. In the nonfiction arena, it’s given me a new perspective. Instead of how best do I write this piece, it’s made me…
Tweet It’s normal to hit a creative block. What has helped me is reading. In my latest article for Spirituality & Health, I share my favorite questions from authors that prompt me to rethink my current creative problem. You can read the article entitled 8 Writing Prompts Inspired by Your Favorite Books here.
Tweet Hi fellow writers! So far 2017 started with a lot of hustle and bustle, and recovery from illness, which has left me nil time to write. I still have hope for the new year, however. The end of 2016 was filled with a lot of exciting things. One of my stories on Ikea in Hawaii for Hawaii Business magazine, for example, made it to the top 10 stories in 2016! You can read it here. On a completely separate note, I ended up being in the magazine with a mom friend. It was an exciting day for this non-glamorous mom…
Tweet guest post by: C.J. Quinn Does your child enjoy reading fantasy books? If so, your child may be smarter than you think. Reading the genre of fiction and fantasy has many social and behavioral advantages. Intelligence quotient (IQ) was once considered the golden standard for measuring how smart a person was. However, in 1995 Daniel Goleman, an internationally known psychologist, proved that we weren’t taking into account emotional intelligence when determining a person’s intellect. According to Goleman, “Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a person’s ability to identify, evaluate, control and express emotions.” Since Goleman’s theory, both IQ and EQ are now…